Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Few Stage Shots

I wanted to provide a few stage shots for everyone to look at during this major down time for Star Candi ( The Ad has been taken down due to the Holidays - it is now replaced by the new one).

These photos were NOT taken by me, rather by the photographer hired by the University I study at. You may find the original photos through the Production Archives, HERE. Or visit the Theatre main page HERE. I have detailed each photo appropriately, but please contact me if you are interested in the designers name for the Crucible, as I was only a cutter/stitcher.

"The Crucible" 
 Reverend Hale (left)

"Crossing the Mid-Line" - Dawn Clark 
Myself: Designer/cutter/draper/stitcher (All)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


As a note to everyone, as I Am unable to consult my email at the moment, I am home again from my short trip!

All packages are ready to be shipped and sent away! ;A; My babies! Custom Lolita, being the most challenging piece I've worked on to date, will be sent "over-night", tracked and with shipping confirmation and well packaged for the quick trip.

Simon was shipped, and alterations can be made at any point needed.

Thank you all! Please continue to use the email you are linked to, as I am unable to check them at the moment, but will be available tonight for doing so!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Few Quick Updates

Simon to be shipped this week. Lolita to be shipped the next :3

Available below are Custom Lolita shots, as I am finishing up Simon at the moment. Enjoy!

One of the straps, pictured along with one of the ruffles - hand gathered.

The face fabric and lining for each of the lower bodice pieces. 

Thank you all!! Now, back to work~! 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today's Progress

Custom Lolita:

The muslin on the bottom half of the form is the basic pattern for the bodice. It looks really odd, but making a rough draft to mark and cut up in muslin first is always the best step :3 

Thank you! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Progress photos!

Here are a few photos from tonights work ~!

Your Pants <3! The waist band was not placed yet when the photo was taken :3 

The sash here is wrapped around the mannequin twice. You may wrap it any way you would like :3 I've done it here the way I believe Simon does it. There is enough fabric to make it more loose as well. 

Custom Lolita: 

The top of the bodice consists of three layers. One regular lining, one under-lining and one "over-lay", which is just a fancy word for the gathered material on the bust. This is a photo of the two linings being basted together, because they are sewn with the rest of the garment as if they were one layer ~

More to come tomorrow! Thank you!  :3 

Back on Track

So everything is still running smoothly with the costumes since I got back from Raleigh :3

I will be staying late into the evening in the costume shop, listening to K-pop and continuing my work on these lovelies ~! If I am able to hold a steady internet connection in the basement (where the shop it located) I may upload photos of the works in progress!

- And since I do not mention names in my blog.... to the Simon cosplayer... It all all YOUR fault if I end up liking and watching this whole series x3 Darn yyyooouuuu!!! /fist shake

Monday, October 25, 2010

Returned from Raleigh!

So last night I returned from Raleigh ~ The results....

I made it back with 2.625 yards of Royal blue Gabardine (SCORE!)

However, I did NOT make it back with the black cotton trim I wanted for the Custom Lolita. No one seems to carry it anymore... so... What does this mean? I will be making the trim by hand. It will not be eyelet, however it will all be hand gathered. I have considered dyeing lace (which I do have the facilities to do - as we have a professional dye bin in the shop)but with most laces being 35% cotton, and 65% Polyester, this may or may not work. The only way to tell will be by testing a sample, and I have little hope in the fact that such a high portion of polyester will capture the dye for as much black as I wish for. For this reason, hand made trim will be the best option. That, and it comes along with a healthy dose of character building delicate work x3 None the less, this is still an exciting process!! Thank you to the commissioner for the opportunity to make such an elegant piece!

~ Despite the fail-hard time-stamp on the post, At 3:11 am, I will call this a day :P

As always,
Thank you all! 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Traveling to Raleigh

Hello everyone ~ !

          Tomorrow I will be traveling to Raleigh in order to pick up my trim - I've given up on my gabardine coming in when I want it so, for Simon, I will be picking up the material for his blue coat there (buying it in Raleigh, instead). I will also be picking up the black cotton lace for the Custom Lolita. Because of where the lace is embedded in the seams, the lack of lace has halted me as far as sewing (I need to do one thing before I can do another - I work my way down the dress, especially since it it layered- and so on and so forth). These past two weeks have reminded me of the saying...

        "If anything can go wrong, it WILL go wrong."

Thank you "Irony" xD I get it already, can I have my good luck with material back?

I will be reporting in with everyone after I return from Raleigh ~ Thank you all!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Updates for "Custom Lolita" and Gurran Lagann

     Today I sent out a special order for the blue gabardine for time skip Simon. I'm not willing to back down on getting my Gabardine D<! RAWR All the materials are here and waiting - and I can begin construction on the Skirt and pants.
     Additionally, I've been working on the Custom Lolita recently; however, today the employees at the same fabric store told me they cannot order my trim.... why???? Because the company will now allow them to order one style at a time... they have to order the WHOLE SHELF. .... Granted, I used to work there, but back then we could order anything someone needed, as long as it wasn't discontinued. To fix this issue, I will be traveling to Raleigh this week in order to get my cotton eyelet trim. If you guys can't already tell, I'm a little picky about my materials. I don't like to settle. If my special order for the Royal blue Gabardine doesn't come in by the day I leave for the trim, I'll just pick that up in Raleigh too.

No, I am not happy with you, Hancock Fabrics... stDKFG;LFGK G   ;A; !! GR. ;DFGDFG RAWR. .......... there. A portion of my anger is out... now to beat out the rest of it with my sewing machine.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Current Events and Progress

           This week two costumes were shipped out: Mizure and Lightning! Thank you both for your patronage! It was a great pleasure working with such kind people ~

         Last Week marked the last day of the production of Tennessee Williams "Orpheus Decending". I had been working on the show for nearly two months straight, every day of the week (Weekends do not really exist in the theatre.... did you know that? ;A; ). The closing of the show now leaves me open to work on my two current Commissions: Guran Lagan, and a Custom Lolita. I am also still in negotiations with a group about a Full Moon wo Sagashite set .... of which I am INSANO-EXCITED D< !!!!!!! (I'm a big Full Moon fan! )
      I will still be making costumes for a production of "Brigadoon" as well as Designing and stitching (full creation) of a set of costumes for an upcoming University dance production, so my regular update/mail check times still remain. I check mail most Regularly on Friday, though. As for costume updates, please email me on Fridays, so that I can have a photo ready for you by Saturday should there be any updates :3

As always
       Thank you!!!! 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CONTINUED Internet issues! D< RAWR!

   So the internet issues have continued on into Wednesday, the 25th of August. This, in combination with my school year having just begun, will be the time where my mail check days of Tuesday and Thursday will become ever so vital. Additionally, I am still having to rely on outside sources (i.e. restaurants with free wii-fi), for my online moments. At least until I am able to facilitate the new router (just for me! :3 bwaahahahha!)

   During this time, please be forgiving of my availability on days other than these, though I will continue to check my mail every time possible. I will also begin providing progress photos on Saturdays (unless otherwise stated! <3 Some customers have days of Thursday and Friday. For the two of you, I will continue as planned), to make things more regular for everyone, and to give a time for customers to critique the work thus far and allow me to know if any modifications need to take place.
   As for other objects on my schedule, I have been assigned Stage Management Crew hours several hours a night, every night, until the end of October (including weekends). It was an unexpected add that happened upon my schedule just today. But, as it is a required crew for my Costume Design degree, I'll need to trudge through it. Fortunately, my day time ours leave me my commission making time (>*___*)> <3

   Thank you again to all of my amazing customers! I truly enjoy working for you and, as always, my biggest concern is your personal satisfaction with your order!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Internet Issues

Hello everyone!
       I've been having some problems connecting to the internet now that I've returned to my University address. It continues to go in and out, and I've already made a trip to McDonalds (I don't like the food.... but I like the free wireless! xD ) to try and make sure I contact all of my customers and potential customers. I'm currently working to get my own router, because I am actually on a shared connection with the Complex. Until then, I'll continue to make trips as needed to contact everyone.

My greatest apologies for anyone waiting for anything! I hope to be up and running, one way or another, by Monday (since the local internet service company won't pick up on weekends.....)

Monday, August 16, 2010

In Raleigh for Physical Therapy

So a status update for all those who may need to contact me! :3 I am in Raleigh for 3 days, and will be returning to my home on Thursday, August 19th after my final physical therapy appointment (in this city). Please continue to email me with any questions or requests!
  For anyone using my old email account (Ruthalia), please continue to contact me through that email as usual because it's easier for me to keep track of each mail-history that way. The new account (Starcandicostumes) was created to help keep commissions separate from spam and anything else that may bulk up my email. I will be using that name for all future requests as it is now tied to my Cosplay.com Ad.

   Aaaaaaannnnndddd :3 I think that's all for now! Let me know if there is anything I can add to this blog that will make it more efficient for all customers ><!

 Thank you kindly!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Star Candi's First Blog!

Hello Everyone! :3

    There isn't much here yet, as the blog will begin to grow over time.

What Will Go Here?

+ Your updates: Am I working on your costume? See a constant Percentile upgrade by checking here. I will update the percent (how much I've completed) every Tuesday and Thursday :3.

+ Costume Queue: See what I am working on to get an idea of how busy I am.

+ Commission Status: See if I am open for commissions, how many spots are open, or if I am temporarily down or full.