Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What a busy and crazy week!

Most definitely this is the beginning of the busy convention season. This week and last have been very busy.

Three costumes were finished and sent off/or handed over in the case of B.B. Hood :3 It's been a great experiencing making all of these costumes~!

And soon to come.... Nemu and Chibiamerica!

Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


First off.... a  personal rant about random floods of junk mail making their way into my email ;A;
Way too much spam, ebay. Way too much. >< I always get scared when going through them, afraid I'll miss something that actually matters (Like an ebay account update or such? Either way, spam is so troublesome).

On the bright side of things! 

I have a fitting this coming week with B.B. Hood ~ And a soon to come shipment for the Full Moon Group!

Not long after that comes the Nemu costume to be shipped off!

It's a busy con season so far, but it's very welcomed. I love to see what is popular, and what costumes people are really interested in. 

Also, I Will be online and available all day today and tomorrow! Feel free to message me! I will respond quickly. If it takes me more than 10 minutes to respond, it will only be because I have got to make a fabric store run for some materials ~! After which I will return immediately! :0) 

Let's see how it goes :3 ! I hope you all have an awesome day!
